intelligent design and the evolution of creationism

Published on: Author: regmorrison

Nonsense News!

Nonsense News!

‘Many long-term observers of creationist organizations must have been struck, as I have been, by the evolution of creationism over the years from crude early prototypes to the more refined and successful descendants around us today. Ironically, the gradual modification and adaptive radiation of creationism in its many guises mimics the very process that is anathema to all true creationists – evolution by natural selection as first expounded by Charles Darwin.’

Dr Alex Ritchie
formerly Senior Research Scientist (Paleaontology) at the Australian Museum

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Many long-term observers of creationist organizations must have been struck, as I have been, by the evolution of creationism over the years from crude early prototypes to the more refined and successful descendants around us today. Ironically, the gradual modification and adaptive radiation of creationism in its many guises mimics the very process that is anathema to all true creationists – evolution by natural selection as first expounded by Charles Darwin.
Dr Alex Ritchie
formerly Senior Research Scientist (Paleaontology)
Australian Museum